PKF International

About PKF International Limited

PKF Oman is a member firm of PKF International Limited, a global family of legally independent firms bound together by a shared commitment to quality, integrity and the creation of clarity in a complex regulatory environment.

PKF International is a member of the Forum of Firms. The objective of the Forum of Firms is to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial and auditing practices worldwide.

The PKF family includes over 400 offices, 200 member firms operating in 150 countries across five regions and employing over 18,000 professionals. We specialize in providing high-quality audit, accounting, tax, and business advisory solutions to international and domestic entities in all our markets.

Most importantly, the PKF International Limited network means a global standard of quality for you. Wherever you take your business, you can be sure of a trusted PKF International Limited member firm to support you with the same care and skill that you find at home.

The PKFI network of legally independent firms does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions on the part of any individual member firm or firms. For further information about PKF International or its member firms.

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